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King's Gorge
Bloodlust Werewolf-LV59
(224, 264)
(224, 264)
Corrupting Grass
(154, 246)
(154, 246)
Demon Disciple-LV51
(71, 60)
(71, 60)
Demon Fireguard-LV49
(52, 152)
(52, 152)
Devil Wraith-LV49
(64, 153)
(64, 153)
Gold Beetle King-LV47
(248, 71)
(248, 71)
Gold Beetle-LV47
(249, 71)
(249, 71)
Grave Raider-LV55
(121, 145)
(121, 145)
(157, 48)
(157, 48)
(137, 147)
(137, 147)
Pharaoh Squire-LV57
(140, 235)
(140, 235)
(256, 61)
(256, 61)
(254, 204)
(254, 204)
(49, 56)
(49, 56)
(229, 201)
(229, 201)
(265, 54)
(265, 54)
(131, 274)
(131, 274)
To Atlantic Ocean
(47, 270)
(47, 270)
To Cave of Haze
(83, 202)
(83, 202)
To Nile River West
(277, 296)
(277, 296)
To Soulbound Crypt
(190, 36)
(190, 36)
(260, 226)
(260, 226)
Worsh Sharby
(144, 112)
(144, 112)
Neutral Zone
Recommended Levels: 45~60
Lv.47 Gold Beetle
Lv.47 Gold Beetle King
Lv.49 Demon Fireguard
Lv.49 Devil Wraith
Lv.51 Demon Disciple
Lv.53 Graverobber
Lv.55 Grave Raider
Lv.57 Pharaoh Squire
Lv.59 Bloodlust Werewolf
Recommended Levels: 45~60
Lv.47 Gold Beetle
Lv.47 Gold Beetle King
Lv.49 Demon Fireguard
Lv.49 Devil Wraith
Lv.51 Demon Disciple
Lv.53 Graverobber
Lv.55 Grave Raider
Lv.57 Pharaoh Squire
Lv.59 Bloodlust Werewolf
Monster/Resource list
Bloodlust Werewolf-LV59 (224, 264)Corrupting Grass (154, 246)
Demon Disciple-LV51 (71, 60)
Demon Fireguard-LV49 (52, 152)
Devil Wraith-LV49 (64, 153)
Gold Beetle King-LV47 (248, 71)
Gold Beetle-LV47 (249, 71)
Grave Raider-LV55 (121, 145)
Graverobber-LV53 (157, 48)
Lumber (137, 147)
Pharaoh Squire-LV57 (140, 235)
Triton-X (256, 61)
NPC list
Agritt (254, 204)Dormtturf (49, 56)
Eric (229, 201)
Issabey (265, 54)
Krapshanav (131, 274)
To Atlantic Ocean (47, 270)
To Cave of Haze (83, 202)
To Nile River West (277, 296)
To Soulbound Crypt (190, 36)
Tott (260, 226)
Worsh Sharby (144, 112)