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Easter Island South
Black Volcano Ore
(132, 75)
Bloodlust Whitebear-LV27
(74, 149)
Quarry Tool
(164, 179)
Quarry Basilisk-LV29
(169, 165)
Stone Statue
(165, 164)
Thorny Petal-LV25
(116, 98)
(115, 188)
(164, 189)
To Easter Island North
(120, 40)
Safe Zone
Accessed by Teleportation.
Recommended Levels: 25~30
Lv.25 Thorny Petal
Lv.27 Bloodlust Whitebear
Lv.29 Quarry Basilisk

Monster/Resource list

Black Volcano Ore (132, 75)
Bloodlust Whitebear-LV27 (74, 149)
Quarry Tool (164, 179)
Quarry Basilisk-LV29 (169, 165)
Stone Statue (165, 164)
Thorny Petal-LV25 (116, 98)

NPC list

Aveolela (115, 188)
Gallege (164, 189)
To Easter Island North (120, 40)
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