Search under Maps
Poseidon Temple
Athena in Trouble
(155, 155)
Antarctic Portal
(96, 167)
Arctic Portal
(215, 138)
(155, 164)
Indian Ocean Portal
(103, 124)
North Atlantic Ocean Portal
(165, 97)
North Pacific Portal
(170, 206)
Pillar of the Antarctic Ocean
(35, 190)
Pillar of the Arctic Ocean
(272, 103)
Pillar of the Indian Ocean
(33, 94)
Pillar of the North Atlantic
(168, 42)
Pillar of the North Pacific
(204, 283)
Pillar of the South Atlantic
(88, 53)
Pillar of the South Pacific
(99, 269)
South Atlantic Ocean Portal
(126, 98)
South Pacific Portal
(121, 200)

Monster/Resource list

Athena in Trouble (155, 155)

NPC list

Antarctic Portal (96, 167)
Arctic Portal (215, 138)
Athena (155, 164)
Indian Ocean Portal (103, 124)
North Atlantic Ocean Portal (165, 97)
North Pacific Portal (170, 206)
Pillar of the Antarctic Ocean (35, 190)
Pillar of the Arctic Ocean (272, 103)
Pillar of the Indian Ocean (33, 94)
Pillar of the North Atlantic (168, 42)
Pillar of the North Pacific (204, 283)
Pillar of the South Atlantic (88, 53)
Pillar of the South Pacific (99, 269)
South Atlantic Ocean Portal (126, 98)
South Pacific Portal (121, 200)
Honor the FallenHonor the Fallen