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Return to Human World

Talk to Koni to board the ferry and take it West to get back to the living world. Once there, place your heart on the Gold Libra. If you pass, take the Proof of Trial to Horus. When you sit in the boat, direct the boat to the West side of Styx. Eventually you will end up back in the living world.

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Under Pandora's guidance, you returned to the living world. Now you must be judged again by the Gold Libra. If you pass, you will have earned Horus' trust.

NPC Dialog

I've told you all I can, you can't stay here any
longer. I will use my harp to bless your journey.

Quest Completion

Horus is bewildered, as no one has ever returned
from his test until now. With his hope in humanity
gone, he had rigged the Gold Libra so that no one
could pass the test.

I have no idea how you passed, but I can't deny that
you have earned my feather. Now what do you plan
to do with this power? Are you going after Set?