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Collect Ghost Grass

It is said that Ghost Grass grows at Darkflame Temple and Opaque Temple in the Cave of Haze. Collect 20 Ghost Grass samples for Vaphere in Atlantis.

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With the help of the Valhalla Avengers, the Expedition Union has started to explore the Cave of Haze. The Expedition Union found a weird plant in Cave of Haze, and named it Ghost Grass because it will disappear suddenly like a ghost. Later, experts found that the weird plant can revive dying people. As a result, the Expedition Union launched a big campaign to collect Ghost Grass.
You will be awarded 2 points of reputation of Aiming High! after finishing the quest.

NPC Dialog

While exploring the Cave of Haze, we found many mysterious items, such as a weird plant called Ghost Grass. Expedition Union is now in need of a large amount of Ghost Grass. We hope you can help us to collect the plant, we will award you Adventure Coins to prove your contribution to Expedition Union.

Quest Completion

I wasn't expecting you to finish the quest so easily. Thanks a lot for your contribution to the Expedition Union.