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Hades Ink
Gather Set's Blood and Holy Water, then right-click to create Hades Ink and take it to Urd.
Holy Water can be obtained in Giza Pyramid and Lava Heights.
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Urd tells you that you must create Hades Ink from Set's Blood before it can be used to open Khufu Pyramid.NPC Dialog
Milia's abilities are peerless, and there is no onebesides us who can break the seal she placed. It
requires a very particular item to break the seal, but
my sister Verdandi and I know how to create it. I
know how to make Hades Ink, and she knows how
to make Feather Pen. Combine these two items,
and the seal on Khufu Pyramid can be broken. First,
I need you to find some Holy Water; it is needed to
make Hades Ink.