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Stamp of the Netherworld

Use the Feather Pen after dipping it in Hades Ink to draw The Stamp of the Netherworld. Then take it to Skuld.

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The Feather Pen and Hades Ink have both been blessed. Now it's just a matter of creating the key with a few flicks of the wrist...

NPC Dialog

S-sorry for the wait. Everything should be ready,
now. The... a-actual key to the pyramid is... the
Stamp of the Netherworld. It... c-can be created by
drawing Odin's symbol in the air. Once you've
f-finished, take it to Skuld.

Quest Completion

The Stamp of the Netherworld! My, my... what a
sight to behold. Ah, but I'm afraid I can't let you
have it just yet. Why? Because, I don't want you
getting needlessly killed, that's why. Nearly 1500
years ago, Odin sent a deity by the name of Nemo
to guard the Gates of Hell. Over time Nemo has
grown stronger and more zealous, to the point that
he is even more powerful than my sisters and I
combined. Nothing can sway him from his duty, and
so he must be destroyed. You must strive to
become better... and I will let you know when you
are powerful enough.