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Return from Madness

Use the Dimensional Gate in Atlantis to reach the Obsidian Turtle Pool. Defeat the Obsidian Turtle and 10 Marsh Elders, then speak to the Minogame.

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With his troops and his power source both gone, now is the best chance to attack the Obsidian Turtle. Find him and beat some sense into him; he still has a very imporant role to play.

NPC Dialog

With his troops and his power source both gone, this is our best chance to attack. We must act quickly and decisively to end this conflict before it begins, and to find out just what is going on behind the scenes. The Obsidian Turtle still has a very important role to play.

Quest Completion

It seems that the Obsidian Turtle's madness has subsided. He must be allowed to recover, but I will find out what I can in due time. I suppose I owe you both a thanks and an apology.