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In the Sea of Atlantis, defeat Hauten Invaders to get 15
hairs and Void Biters to
get 12 bones. Then, give the
materials to Berminham.

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Based on Agamemnon's instructions, you need to find Hauten Invaders and Void Biters. Get the materials from them that are required by Berminham.

NPC Dialog

That mage likes his weird tests. Hauten Invaders
and Void Biters are hard to handle, but since you're
so determined I'll tell you their weaknesses.
Hauten Invaders are scared of
fire magic and Void Biters of
hard things. I hope my information helps you defeat

Quest Completion

You were very effective at finding the materials I
need. Those creatures are not easily dealt with. I
hope they didn't cause you too much trouble. If I
weren't so eager, I wouldn't have bothered with
them. The notebook was damaged quite severely.
I'm afraid I won't be able to repair it.