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Sacred Armor

Speak with Mina in Atlantis to receive the Sacred Armor Skillbook.

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Having wandered the Netherworld for so long, the warrior has endured both bodily and mental anguish. The warrior realized that without the gods' blessings, the journey may be short-lived. Meanwhile, Mina in Atlantis has issued a summon to go speak with her.

NPC Dialog

What have you gained from being in the
Netherworld for so long? You need others' help if
you want to survive. Go and speak with Mina in
Atlantis. She has a Skillbook for you. Good luck!

Quest Completion

You must be strong if you want to achieve your
dream and revive Odin. You will need this skill
book, Sacred Armor to give you more power. I hope
it helps you achieve your dreams!