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Dark Crystal

Investigate the Dim Crystal (246,149) in the Obsidian Turtle Pool, then return to Minogame.

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Minogame isn't very friendly, but he trusted Roshi's judgment of you and told you how to find the Obsidian Turtle. The Dim Crystals are an important part of the Obsidian Turtle's powers, and it will surely be quick to defend them if someone approaches.

NPC Dialog

You humans are all the same... You see us turtles
as nothing more than a simple pet or a delicious
meal. Roshi seems to believe you have some merit,
though. You wish to find the Obsidian Turtle, right?
Unfortunately, finding him has become difficult
recently. This area is overflowing with a dark
energy, and there are special crystals that control
and channel this energy. The Obsidian Turtle relies
on these crystals to keep this energy balanced; if
you approach one, it will surely appear to defend it.

Quest Completion

Well, you certainly got its attention! The Obsidian
Turtle passed by here just a minute ago looking for