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Alluring Songs

Talk to the sailor Barli in the Bermuda Islands.

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The monsters Peace spoke of are Gorgons. They are not only cruel, but also good at making use of their song to ensnare and confuse people and make them into meals. If you want to explore more of the Bermuda Islands, you must resist the effects of the Gorgons. Rumor has it that there is a mysterious item in the northeast of the Bermuda Islands that can defend against their alluring song.

NPC Dialog

Gorgons are known as the Singers of Bermuda.
They can use their song to confuse their prey and
most creatures, humans included, have no defense
against it. The Expedition Union has yet to come up
with a strategy to deal with their song. Their only
idea is to stay far away from them. If you want to
traverse the Bermuda Islands to look for what you
seek, you must find a way of defending against their
song, or else you will become a Gorgon's dinner.
I've heard that there is a mysterious item in the
northeast of the Bermuda Islands that can defend
against them, maybe you should check it out.

Quest Completion

Sorry, I may have eaten something bad. My throat is
raw and painful, it's difficult to talk.