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Ghost Story
In the Bermuda Islands, find Divac's Soul.
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After finding the Devil Fruit, Peace wanted you to rest. He told you a story about ghosts in the Bermuda Islands: One of Peace's friend, Morriah, was part of the expedition that first found the remains of Divac's flagship. He saw the ghost of a man that looked like confirm the truth, you need to investigate the Bermuda Islands again.NPC Dialog
My friend, Morriah, found the wreck of Divac'sflagship in the Bermuda Islands. He told me that he
saw the ghost of a man who looked like Divac. The
fog made him unsure about it, though. I wanted to
check it out, so I went to the wreck several times on
my own, but found nothing. I want you to help me
find the truth.
Quest Completion
...Who are you? Who am I... I am Divac. I wassupposed to die... But why do I have feelings of