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Blood Crisis

Kill 60 Desert Bladeants in Nile River West, then talk to Mattsea.

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Mattsea's left leg was badly hurt in the sandstorm. The blood attracts Desert Bladeants living in Nile River West. Desert Bladeants are very attracted to blood and large numbers of them are gathering near Mattsea. In order to ensure his safety, you must drive those Desert Bladeants away.

NPC Dialog

Your water gives me new life, my body is full of
vigor. But my left leg was badly hurt in the
sandstorm. Though I attempted first-aid, it is still
bleeding. Do you see the Desert Bladeants
gathering near me? Desert Bladeants are very
attracted to blood, they will attack soon. Don't worry
about me, go, I will only be a burden if we try to
escape together.

Quest Completion

Incredible! You actually drove away the Desert
Bladeants! Those bugs devour everything that come
in their path. If it's alive, they see it as prey. I must
bandage my wound if I hope to avoid an attack...