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Father's Sword

Give the Worn Knight Sword to Gaia in Atlantis.

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Hyke is a late bloomer, but he is no longer the naive baby he once was. In Modd's opinion, Hyke is on the path to becoming a great paladin. Hyke isn't content with his progress though. He has many dreams he wishes to fulfill. First of all Hyke wants to repair the Worn Knight Sword his father left to him.

NPC Dialog

Hyke is a late bloomer, but he is no longer the naive baby he once was. In Modd's opinion, Hyke is on the path to becoming a great paladin. Hyke isn't content with his progress though. He has many dreams he wishes to fulfill. First of all Hyke wants to repair the Worn Knight Sword his father left to him.

Quest Completion

I've never seen a sword in such bad shape. Look at all this rust! And this crack here! Frankly, I'm not confident that I can rebuild it into something usable. Repairing the sword will cost much more than buying a new sword, you know. Just something to think about.