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Red Grind Stone

Talk to Meryl, enter Foraging Grounds and collect 10 Red Grind Stones, then take them to Gaia.

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Gaia thinks that it's a great honor to repair the sword of Hayes and is going to re-forge it to be a tougher one for Hyke. She needs Red Grind Stones. She hopes you can go to the Foraging Grounds to collect some for her.

NPC Dialog

I'm so excited now. I'm repairing the Hayes' sword! It's my honor. I'll try my best to do the job well. The service is free, and I'll make it tougher. I need some Red Grind Stones. Can you go collect some for me?

Quest Completion

Red Grind Stones are a kind of special mineral in the Foraging Grounds which can be used to increase the durability of weapons. Thank you so much, I'll finish the repairs soon.