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Goran Aar's Map
Use the map to find Mjollnir in Viking Steppe. It is apparently north of the two trees near the Southeast corner of Viking Steppe. Get directions by right-clicking on the map. When you've found it, report back to Goran Aar.
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Luckily, Goran Aar predicted that the wolves would attack during the night. Thankfully she kept important items, including Mjollnir, safely hidden. Using her map will make it much easier to locate the sacred hammer.NPC Dialog
Hockhees told me to protect Mjollnir. After all, it isthe key to restoring balance to the world. In order to
keep it safe, I hid it somewhere where no one would
think to search... just North of the two trees that are
near the Southeast corner of Viking Steppe if I
recall correctly. Take this map with you to find it.
Quest Completion
Oh, no! I made a mistake. This map was for anothertreasure! Oh, damn, this was for the Golden Harp of
the god Budle! I was wondering where this went.