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Mystic Lionface Cat

Bring the Lionface Cat to Ludia.

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In the Sea of Atlantis, Palerham stumbled upon a hidden cave. The only thing inside of it was a small box, and inside the box was a small cat, and that cat was still breathing. Palerham dares not report this to the Expedition Union. He has asked you to show it to Ludia in Atlantis. She might know more about it. After reaching LV32, players can be teleported to the Rainbow Valley through Rainbow Valley teleporter, Ludia.

Quest Completion

Oh, this is a pet running away from the Rainbow Valley. Besides, there are mystic creatures in the Rainbow Valley. They are not the same as those on the Motenia. They have special outlook and battle force. The gods used to select pets from the Rainbow Valley. They will always become great pets. I don't know how this Lionface Cat got lost to the Motenia. Let me bring it back to the Rainbow Valley and make it out of sleep.