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Collect Silver Goblets

It's said that you can find Silver Goblets anywhere in Cave of Haze. Go collect 20 Silver Goblets, then report to Vaphere in Atlantis.

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With the help of the Valhalla Avengers, the Expedition Union started to explore Cave of Haze. In the Cave of Haze, the Expedition Union found a type of extremely delicate and high quality wineglass, which used to be used in the daily lives of nobles in ancient times. Why were those wineglasses buried in the Cave of Haze? Nobody knows, and the Expedition Union wants to reveal the secret. As a result, the Expedition Union decided to collect these wineglasses.
You will be awarded 2 points of reputation of Aiming High! after finishing the quest.

NPC Dialog

While exploring the Cave of Haze, we found many mysterious items, such as a type of delicate and high quality wineglass belonging to the nobles living in ancient times. We wonder now why they were buried in the Cave of Haze, so we decided to collect them.

Quest Completion

I wasn't expecting you to finish the quest so easily. Thanks a lot for your contribution to the Expedition Union.