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The Power of Stars

Speak with Dyana in Atlantis.

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Like gems, Stardust can be used to improve your gear. You will need the appropriate Insignia Wand to open a Stardust Slot with Dyana
Please keep the Starword to be used in the next quest.

NPC Dialog

If you want to use the power of Stardust, you will need to understand the Technology and Craft system.
Take Soul Gear to Dyana in Atlantis Square to place a Stardust Insignia in the gear. Use Technology and Craft to produce differently shaped Stardust Insignia Wands. Each shape corresponds to different pieces of gear.
That is the basis, find Berminham to learn the final step.

Quest Completion

Come to me if you have more questions about Stardust, I will teach you all I know.