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Gold Vessels

Get 8 Gold Vessels from
Melody Naga in the Sea of
Atlantis, then report to Cansas.

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You can find lots of gold and treasure from Golden Island in the wreckage of Divac's fleet. The treasure may provide you with some useful information. Melody Naga like to collect shiny items, so go get some Gold Vessels from them.

NPC Dialog

I forgot to tell you that there are a great number of
Naga living around the wrecks. Be careful of them,
their claws are sharp and deadly. To tell you the
truth, people never go there except when they have
interest in the gold and treasures there.

Quest Completion

Wow, so you got these Gold Vessels from the
Naga? That's amazing! Even today, people can't
make such delicate and well-made tools. They must
be produced by skilled dwarves or elves. Look at
this bowl, do you see these beautiful patterns
carved in it? What precious items! But how did such
valuable treasure get here? Very strange.