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Make Soulbead

Get a Celebeam Particle Extractor from Sylla, and go to Meryl in Atlantis Square to enter the Celebeam Cave. Get a Celebeam Particle from a Celebeam Gem, and give it to Meryl in Atlantis.
If you lose the Celebeam Particle Extractor, speak to Sylla in Atlantis.


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The Medal of Triumph, obtained through instances and activities, can be exchanged for a Celebeam Particle Extractor from Sylla. Take the Celebeam Particle Extractor, and speak to Meryl to enter Celebeam Cave. Use it to get a Celebeam Particle from a Celebeam Gem. Enough Celebeam Particles can make a Soulbead through Technology and Craft.

NPC Dialog

Take the Celebeam Particle Extractor from Sylla, and speak to Meryl to enter the Celebeam Cave. Once you're there find a Celebeam Gem and extract a Celebeam Particle. Enough Celebeam Particles can make a Soulbead using Technology and Craft.

Quest Completion

You are a quick learner, this Gleam Soulbead is your gift, you should make Gleam Soulbead by yourself from now on.