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White Tiger's Might

Use the Dimensional Gate in Atlantis to reach White Tiger Den. Find and defeat the White Tiger, then report back to Corben.

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The White Tiger's power has turned White Tiger Den into a wasteland. The plants are withering and there's little food left on the island. The Panda Warriors knew they couldn't survive there much longer, and so attacked Emerald Dragon Island.
Corben fears that if the White Tiger continues to exert his influence here unchecked, that the war between the Panda Warriors and the Dragon Islanders will never end.
The only thing that can be done is to stop the White Tiger before things get any worse.

NPC Dialog

It's the White Tiger, it has to be... This place used to be lush and beautiful, but the White Tiger's power is making it all wither and die. The Panda Warriors can't survive here much longer. That must be why they've attacked Emerald Dragon Island... Maybe if the White Tiger were dealt with, this place would recover.

Quest Completion

You... You actually did it! I'm amazed. Perhaps now this place will recover, and we won't need to fight with the Panda Warriors any more. I suppose only time will tell, though... Anyway, you have my deepest gratitude. Thank you.