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Bartending Internship

Talk with Dwarf Bartender Biene at the Tavern of the netherworld.

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Minos is very impatient. He wants the Tyr Sword immediately, but first he wants you to get him a Bloody Mary from the tavern. The bartender is overwhelmed with orders so you had better learn how to make a drink!

NPC Dialog

You are the first human in hundreds of years, by our
rules I should serve you first, but I cannot! How
about I teach you to mix cocktails? If you learn how
you can help me and we will both be done faster,
what do you think?

Quest Completion

You really will learn? Wonderful! It's not difficult,
you just need a good memory and agile hands...
and a certain gift. I will teach you the Gimlet first, it
is a very strong cocktail. It is made from 50 ML
Hard Gin, 80 ML Vodka, and 30 ML Orange Juice.
Mix them and shake well. Here, you try!