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Expeditionist's Tests

According to the Treasure Map, look for the lost Egypt's Treasure at (152,133) in King's Gorge. Find it and return to Karonna in Atlantis.

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Karonna found a strange treasure map inside the Cave of Haze that indicates the location of some ancient Egyptian treasure in King's Gorge. Karonna needs someone to track it down.
Completion of the quest awards 6 Aiming High! Reputation.

NPC Dialog

Many members of the Expedition were sent to the Cave of Haze. Now we do not have enough to help uncover the secrets of the treasure map recovered from there. I need you to help me. Take this map and look for the Ancient Egyptian Treasures marked on it. Return to me as soon as you're done.

Quest Completion

Valhalla Warrior and Expedition Union show thanks to your help. This is your reward.