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Hypnos' Test

Speak with Alflick in the Land of the Dead to teleport to the trial grounds. Clear all the enemies there and speak with Hypnos to complete the quest. You will receive an item to become a Meso Demigod. Don't lose it!

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300 years ago the netherworld was changed by the human Nergal. Pandora and Dark Knight Agritt were demoted after they spoke against Hades, who is now weaker without their support. To avoid this situation, Hades decreed that any humans are banned from the netherworld unless they can get the three tokens. Hypnos Guardian Alflick stopped you and wants to test you before you proceed, even though you bear the three tokens.

NPC Dialog

Hypnos did tell me that if anyone with your strength
showed up, I had to get them to work for us. He
loves powerful soldiers, so this is a good chance for
you. Pass Hypnos' test and you may get introduced
to Hades.

Quest Completion

I have never seen a human who was as powerful as
a god! Before Ragnarok the Valkyrie would have
taken you to Odin to become an Aesir god... I miss
those days.
You are strong enough, and we need you in this
age where the Aesir are extinct. I will forgive
Pandora and Agritt for all the things they've done
since they brought you here. I will introduce you to
Hades when he is ready.