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Seeking the White Tiger

Use the Dim Crystal at the points marked on the map (227, 155), (181, 209), or (124, 176)#) in the White Tiger Den to flush out the White Tiger. Return to Corben afterward.

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You were able to find the scrolls the Corben mentioned. Among them you found a marked map of White Tiger Den, along with a Dim Crystal. Corben must have accidentally summoned the White Tiger while looking through the scrolls.
You may be able to get the White Tiger's attention if you use the Dim Crystal at the locations marked on the scroll.

NPC Dialog

Most of the scrolls are damaged beyond use, but
one of them seems to be a map of the area, with
three points clearly marked. There is a small crystal
attached to the scroll. Judging from Corben's
rambling, you should be able to use these to find
the White Tiger.

Quest Completion

What's that? You say the White Tiger attacked you?
I told you it was there! Oh, it wasn't like this before.
Why must it come to this?