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Flower of Death

Collect 3 Violet Vines in the Atlantic Ocean, then return to Taran in Atlantis.

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Violet Vine is known by another name, The Flower of Death, because nothing can grow near it. This should make it easy to find. Collect Violet Vine then return to Taran.

NPC Dialog

Did you know that Violet Vine has another name?
It's also called The Flower of Death! Don't worry, it
isn't poisonous, we call it that because nothing else
can grow near it. This should make it easy for you
to find. Search in southwest Atlantic Ocean for the

Quest Completion

The Violet Vines are very bright colored, but they
smell just as bad as the sea mushrooms. I'll have to
make the soap quickly. I decoded what patterns I
could see on the Gold Vessels while you were
gathering the materials. If this soap works to get rid
of the last of the seaweed then I will be able to
decode the rest.