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The Second Message

Talk to Issabey in King's Gorge.

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The symbols on the Gold Vessels don't provide clues to the location of Golden Island, so we are still lost. Muto tried to channel the Eye of the Creator to receive another clue. The message was weak, but it indicated that there was a relationship between the Divine Artifacts and the grave keepers.

NPC Dialog

We tried, but we cannot decode the symbols on the
Gold Vessels any more, so we still don't know
where Golden Island is. We won't stop looking,
however, as we still need Odin's aid. I used the Eye
of the Creator a second time. The message was
very weak but it seems there is a connection
between Pandora's Box and the grave keepers at
King's Gorge.

Quest Completion

Hello outsider, I am Issabey, one of the four grave
keepers who watches over the body of Osiris. Leave
this place immediately, if you disturb Osiris he will
take your soul and imprison it in the
city of the dead!