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Guard Evna

Protect Evna while she reads the notes Jonas wrote for her. Kill 12 of the Mummies that now threaten her safety.

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Emerton has already started the ceremony to summon the Scorpion Lord. Ansurine, a fellow reincarnated hero, is set to be the sacrifice. Jonas left her notes as to what to do, but she'll need some time to read them. Fend off the encroaching Mummies while she does so.

NPC Dialog

The information in the Classics is beginning to make
a good deal of sense; it corresponds with what is
happening now. Emerton has already started the
ceremony to summon the Scorpion Lord. He is
using a woman known as Ansurine as a sacrifice.
Like you, she was one of Valkyrie's chosen heroes.
It makes sense that you'd need to sacrifice
something that had been beyond the mortal plane if
you wanted to summon something from such a
realm, and it seems that's the path Emerton took.
Now, I'm going to need some concentration while I
look into the book further. Could you please go and
keep the encroaching Mummies occupied?

Quest Completion

That which once returned from beyond the grave I
now return to the grave. Let the balance that
remains be mine.
Oh, you've returned. With the help of Jonas's notes,
I managed to figure out what I needed to do.
Ansurine's sacrifice was the catalyst Emerton
needed in order to summon the Scorpion Lord. To
put it coldly, I removed that catalyst and redirected
the power of the sacrifice. That was Jonas's
conclusion, and I agreed with it. Emerton was about
to act and I had no time to try anything else. Please
give me a moment to catch my breath.