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Bad News

In Viking Steppe, talk to Goran Aar to find out about the assaults.

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Here's the bad news: the wolves launched a major attack on the field, where important materials are buried, including Mjollnir! Hockhees is very worried the wolves may find it. Goran Aar can shed some more light on the situation.

NPC Dialog

Karth launched an assault with his wolves! You
need to go there as soon as possible! I'm very
concerned that they might steal Mjollnir. Goran Aar
is in charge of the field, she can tell you the details
of the situation.

Quest Completion

Sheep, cows, meat, and fur... those greedy wolves
took all of it! No need to panic, however. Luckily, I
already buried the most important items and
treasures in hidden places. Rest assured, Mjollnir
should be safe.